Aged Care Supported Resident

Seniors entering as Low Means Aged Care Supported Resident by Christine Hopper Seniors entering as a Low Means Aged Care Supported Resident present an additional paperwork challenge for their families. Accepting that a loved one needs residential aged care is difficult for most families. Yet in their grief, families are confronted with official paperwork and the Read more about Aged Care Supported Resident[…]

Entering Commonwealth regulated aged care as a Supported Resident

Entering Commonwealth regulated aged care as a Supported Resident by Christine Hopper Each Supported Resident of a Commonwealth regulated aged care facility attracts an Accommodation subsidy from the Commonwealth.  The Commonwealth has a ‘budgeted amount’ to spend on these Accommodation subsided rather than an unlimited supply of cash. Therefore, the Commonwealth endeavours to spread its Read more about Entering Commonwealth regulated aged care as a Supported Resident[…]

Residential aged care costs – an illustration

Residential aged care costs by Christine Hopper Families new to residential aged care can be confused by the web of fees and charges for residential aged care. Accommodation charges are fixed on entry but daily care fees change regularly. Below is an “illustration” of the fees and charges that could apply to new entrants to Read more about Residential aged care costs – an illustration[…]